This page last changed on Oct 17, 2005 by bowens.
  • User's Guide
    1. Quickstart
      • This will get your GeoServer installed and running.
    2. Add Your Own Dataset (Shapefile) (screencast)
      • Here you will learn how to add and view a Shapefile.
    3. Add your own Raster background (TIFF)
      • This will guide you through adding a GeoTiff coverage background layer
    4. Additional Data Format Configuration
      • Stable: PostGIS, Oracle, ArcSDE, DB2, Shapefile.
      • Unstable: MySQL, VPF, MapInfo, WFS.
    5. Configuring GeoServer's settings
      • An introduction to configuring GeoServer's settings.
    6. Styling your Map (screencasts for new style and edit style)
      • A tutorial on SLD's, the open standard GeoServer uses for Styling.
    7. Full User Docs
      • The full user documentation, for in depth reference.
Document generated by Confluence on Jan 16, 2008 23:28